From: John Blackie <>
To: Jason Neyers <>
Date: 30/09/2015 08:41:08 UTC
Subject: RE: Just Published

Dear Colleagues

It is also available from Amazon as a Kindle book, at £57.42. I have just bought it in that form.


Professor John Blackie
Emeritus Professor of Law
University of Strathclyde
From: Jason Neyers []
Sent: 29 September 2015 17:04
Subject: ODG: Just Published

Dear Colleagues:

Congratulations go out to Sandy Steel on the publication of Proof of Causation in Tort Law (2015) by CUP. CUP has graciously offered a 20% discount to ODGers who use the attached order form. Here is a brief description of the book:

• Offers an incisive description and analysis of a difficult area of tort law, explaining highly complex legal material
• Compares different approaches to uncertainty over causation in English, French and German tort law
• Provides a clear analysis of the scope of exceptions to the requirement that the claimant prove causation
Causation is a foundational concept in tort law: a claimant must demonstrate that the defendant’s conduct was a cause of the harm suffered in order for damages to be awarded. Proof of Causation in Tort Law provides a critical, comparative and theoretical analysis of the general rules of causation underlying the tort laws of England, Germany and France, as well as the exceptional departures from these rules which each system has made. Exploring the different approaches to uncertainty over causation in tort law, Sandy Steel defends the justifiability of these exceptions, and categorises and examines the kinds of exceptional rules suggested by the case law and literature. Critically engaged with both the theoretical literature and current legal doctrine, this book will be of interest to private law scholars, judges and legal practitioners.

Happy Reading,

Jason Neyers
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
N6A 3K7
(519) 661-2111 x. 88435